
Just in case you were not aware, loungewear is NOT the same as sleepwear.

Women's Loungewear

Loungewear is loose clothing in which one can lounge.  This type of clothing can be worn to sleep but it is primarily intended for lounging around the house and occasionally being worn outside.

Lounge Pants

Lounge Shirts

It is not completely uncommon for someone to run out to a local retailer to grab some groceries in their lounge pants.  But they most likely are not going out to the store in their nightwear such as a negligee.  This is why nightwear / sleepwear is categorized differently than loungewear.


A major appeal of loungewear is its versatility & comfort.  Although some people may classify these garments as sleepwear or nightwear it is important to note that loungewear and sleepwear are technically different.  Loungewear can be worn to sleep but also as active wear during exercise and other day to day activities.

What is the difference between loungewear and sleepwear?

These terms are often used interchangeably, but there is a distinct difference between “loungewear” and “sleepwear” according to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule.  The customs agency in the United States distinguishes sleepwear and loungewear are different.  In HQ H140735, dated December 29, 2015, CBP added some definition to each term.

You can search for customs rulings about sleepwear or loungewear at the customs rulings page (to see the system in action type loungewear into the search at the top of the customs rulings page).  Some of the relevant rulings will be as follows:

HQ 960797

HQ 961936

Please keep in mind that rulings get revised and their are multiple ruling that might be relevant in addition to the ones listed above.  Be sure to consult with an expert and do NOT rely on information that we posted on this page.  You must conduct your own full research.  Learn more at https://rulings.cbp.gov/

Why does the classification matter to the fashion industry?

The classification can affect the duty rate that needs to be paid when importing merchandise to the United States.  If the duty rate is higher, the clothing company will unfortunately charge a higher price to the retailer which in turn will charge a higher price to consumers.

Ladies Loungwear

Do lounge lizards where loungewear?

The loungewear we are discussing on this page should not be confused with clothing worn by a “Lounge Lizard”.  The term lounge lizard is usually used to refer to lounge musicians.  Its first appearance as American slang in 1917, "lounge lizard" has shown up in nearly every decade.  A "lounge lizard" is typically depicted as a well-dressed man who frequents the establishments in which the rich gather with the intention of seducing a wealthy woman with his flattery and deceptive charm.  The term presumably owes something to the cold and insinuating quality of reptiles or the fact that they are hanging out in establishments that are often references as lounges.

Pretty Women's Loungwear

You may also want to learn more about boxer shorts which are acceptable for lounging around the house.

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