Menswear Sales Jobs : Fashion Job Search
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Do you like to sell men's clothes?  Well, we have the perfect job for you.

Sales are activities related to selling merchandise such as men's clothing, footwear, or fashion accessories.  Selling is the profession-wide term, much like marketing defines a profession.  A salesperson, salesmen, or saleswomen, are people that are employed to make sales.  A menswear sales job is employment relevant to the selling of men's fashion.

The sales person sells to a men's clothing buyer.

While the sales process refers to a systematic process of repetitive and measurable milestones, the definition of the selling is somewhat ambiguous due to the close nature of advertising, promotion, public relations, and direct marketing.  Marketing and sales differ greatly but generally have the same goal. Selling is the final stage in marketing, which also includes pricing, promotion, place, and product.

The position of sales is an important aspect for the majority of companies that work in the garment or textile industry.  Most companies either sell a product or service to other companies or directly to consumers.

The men's fashion market has many different methods of selling.  Direct sales, channel sales, retail sales, business to business, direct to consumer, etc.

Areas of concentration include sales negotiations, upselling, relationship management, cross-selling, persuasive selling, soft selling, etc.

SimplyHired Men's Fashion Sales Career

LinkedIn Men's Fashion Sales Jobs

Career Builder Men's Fashion Sales Jobs

ZipRecruiter Menswear Sales Jobs

Learn more about men's clothing from the following guides:

men's clothing

men's fashion brands

men's apparel

Gain an understanding about Fashion Career Internships to find out if this path is right for you.

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