India Fashion Job Search
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Fashion Jobs in India are just as important as employment opportunities in other countries.  India has a very large and successful textile and apparel industry.  The country has excellent designers, manufacturers, distributors and retailers of clothing & footwear.  Find a fashion career in India.

India is a country with an ancient clothing design tradition, yet an emerging fashion industry. Though a handful of designers existed prior to the 1980s, the late 80s and the 90s saw a spurt of growth. This was the result of increasing exposure to global fashion and the economic boom after the economic liberalisation of the Indian economy in 1990.

India has excellent fashion week events, textile manufacturing, fashion schools, etc.

Clothing in India varies depending on the different ethnicity, geography, climate and cultural traditions of the people of each region of India. Historically, male and female clothing has evolved from simple kaupinam, langota, dhoti, lungi, saree, gamucha, and loincloths to cover the body to elaborate costumes not only used in daily wear but also on festive occasions as well as rituals and dance performances. In urban areas, western clothing is common and uniformly worn by people of all social levels. India also has a great diversity in terms of weaves, fibers, colors and material of clothing.

Fashion produced in India is often for domestic consumption but it is also very often produced for exporting to other countries such as the United States.

India is a successful exporter of textiles, clothes, and shoes.  Learn more about exporting fashion.

If you are ready to go on a job interview you may want to read the Best Way to Interview For A Fashion Job.

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