Length Conversion Chart
Conversion Charts
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If you are looking for an easy way to calculate weight conversions, we suggest you check out the Length Conversion Calculator.

Yes, the size matters.
Length Conversion Factors
To convert from        to                     multiply by    
mile (US Statute)      kilometer (km)         1.609347       
inch (in)              millimeter (mm)        25.4  * 
inch (in)              centimeter (cm)        2.54 *  
inch (in)              meter (m)              0.0254 *       
foot (ft)              meter (m)              0.3048 *       
yard (yd)              meter (m)              0.9144 *

Area Conversion Factors
To convert from to multiply by
square foot (sq ft) square meter (sq m) 0.09290304 E
square inch (sq in) square meter (sq m) 0.00064516 E
square yard (sq yd) square meter (sq m) 0.83612736 E
acre (ac) hectare (ha) 0.4047




1 angstrom

The angstrom is basically defined as 10-10meter.


0.1 millimicron

0.000 1 micron

0.000 000 1 millimeter

0.000 000 004 inch


1 Cable's length


120 fathoms

720 feet

219.456 meters


1 Centimeter


0.3937 inch


1 Chain

(Gunter's or surveyor's)


66 feet

20.1168 meters


1 Decimeter


3.937 inches


1 Dekameter


32.808 feet


1 Fathom


6 feet

1.8288 meters


1 Foot (Feet)


0.3048 meter


1 Furlong


10 chains (surveyor's)

660 feet

220 yards

1/8 statute mile

201.168 meters


1 Inch


25.4 millimeters

2.54 centimeters


1 Kilometer


0.621 mile


1 League (land)


3 statute miles

4.828 kilometers


1 Link

(Gunter's or surveyor's)


7.92 inches

0.201168 meter


1 Meter


39.37 inches

3.2808 Feet

1.094 yards


1 Micron


0.001 millimeter

0.000 039 37 inch


1 Mil


0.001 inch

0.0254 millimeter


1 Mile

(statute or land)


5,280 feet

1.609 kilometers


1 Mile

(nautical international)


1.852 kilometers

1.151 statute miles

0.999 US nautical miles


1 Millimeter


0.03937 inch


1 Millimicron (mu)


0.001 micron

0.000 000 039 37 inch


1 Nanometer


0.001 micrometer

0.000 000 039 37 inch


1 Point



0.013 837 inch

1/72 inch (approximately)

0.351 millimeter


1 Rod, pole or perch



5.0292 meters

0.9144 meter


1 Yard


0.9144 meter

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