Fashion Influences Style

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Fashion can be influenced in many ways.  Consumers ultimately influence how fashion is designed, and retailers influence how clothing is consumed.  The world of fashion is essentially an endless circle of influence.  Fashion designers aim to please buyers with fashionable assortments and at the same time consumers are influencing future designer decisions as a result of buying habits at retail.

Strategic marketing is one of the obvious and time tested methods a clothing company can use to move consumers in a desired direction.  Sometimes such marketing is successful and other times it falls short of the intended goal.  To get the best bang for the buck, an apparel company must determine the best platform for delivering their fashion brands message to the desired audience.

In order to move a target market to action, we must “find them”, “communicate to them” and finally “influence them”.

Influence can be rendered overtly or with great subtlety.  Either way, it has an effect on memories, decision making, and moving people to action.  The power to change or affect someone or something is an important aspect of the garment industry.  Essentially, style and trends are born from various internal and external influences.

Influencing Fashion Consumers

Influencing the Fashion Industry

Peer to Peer Influence on Fashion

Fashion Influence Products

Influential Fashion Blog

Influential Fashion Companies

Influential Fashion Designers of the 21st Century

Influential Fashion Designers of the 20th Century

Fashion Influence
Image Source: Victoria's Secret.  We are influencing you now to go visit their website.

Influences on Fashion

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