What is the difference between a visor & baseball hat?

Fashion Questions & Answers   Hat Stores

What are visors?  A visor is headwear with a stiff brim to help shield the eyes from the sun. The visor has a strap that fits around the head leaving the top of the head uncovered.

What are baseball hats?  The baseball cap is traditionally part of a baseball uniform worn by team players.  However, this type of headwear is also very often worn for non-athletic reasons.  Although it can be worn backwards or to the side, most commonly the brim of that hat is worn pointing forward to shield the eyes from the sun. The baseball hat covers the head.

What is the difference between the baseball hat & visor?

In summary, the visor does not cover the top of the wearers head and the baseball cap does cover the top of the head.  Both are worn for the purpose of offering the face some well needed shade.

Visor Verse Baseball Hat

Why wear a visor instead of baseball cap?

The visor can shade your face from the sun & help hold your hair in place, and it will also allow the free flow of air on your head.  Hats help keep in body heat by blocking the escape of body heat through the head. A baseball hat will help keep the heat in and wearing a visor will allow some heat to escape.  Therefore, the decision between the two headwear products would depend on if you wish to stay warm or cool.

What is the difference between a hat & headwear?

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