Google Popular Search Terms

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What are the most popular search terms on Google?

Well, although clothing, shoes & fashion accessories are most dear to our hearts at Apparel Search, we are sad to inform you that those are not the most popular terms on the Google search engine.

Here are five of the top ten most searched words on Google (Oct. 2021)

Here are five of the top ten most asked questions on Google (Oct. 2021).

Find questions & answers here on Apparel Search that pertain to clothing or footwear.

Please keep in mind that the "most popular search terms" on Google, Bing, or any other search engine obviously depends on "when" you are checking and how long a period of time is in your analasis.  The information above was "not" provided to us by Google, so we are NOT 100% sure of its accuracy.  Also, the relevance is obviously based on when you are actually reading this page.  Possibly we will update the above list from time to time.

Here are a few more popular search terms:

Here are a few more popular questions put into search engines.

This is a question that I thought about today.  My question was, "what is the most popular search words on Google?".  The first thing that I did to help me find the answer was go to Google and ask that question.

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