Minimalism in Fashion by Apparel Search - Terms of Interest to the Fashion Industry

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Merriam-Webster defines minimalism as “a style or technique (as in music, literature, or design) that is characterized by extreme spareness and simplicity.”  Minimalism is also described as a design or style in which the simplest and fewest elements are used to create the maximum effect. The term is often used to describe various avenues of design whether it be art/architecture or fashion. As per Apparel Search, when applied to fashion, the term "minimalism" or "minimalist" is used to describe apparel that is stripped down to its most basic elements. Simple forms and basic color palettes dominate the minimalist look. Examples include streamlined silhouettes and tailoring, as well as solid, monochromatic shades and clean lines. In minimalist design, simplicity is always key.

By Regina Cooper - 102909

Minimalist architecture became popular in the late 1980s in London and New York, where architects and fashion designers worked together in the boutiques to achieve simplicity, using white elements, cold lighting, large space with minimum objects and furniture. Calvin Klein Madison Avenue, New York, 1995–96, is a boutique that conveys Calvin Klein's ideas of fashion. John Pawson's interior design concepts for this project are to create simple, peaceful and orderly spatial arrangements. He used stone floors and white walls to achieve simplicity and harmony for space. He also emphasizes reduction and eliminates the visual distortions, such as the air conditioning and lamps to achieve a sense of purity for interior.

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