Shirt Butterflies -  manufacturer directory of shirt butterfly factories for the garment industry

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In this section of the Apparel Search clothing manufacturers directory, you will find shirt butterfly manufacturers.  You will be able to research factories producing various types of shirt butterflies for your shirt packing needs.

  Doran Manufacturing : Doran Manufacturing has been located in Jacksonville Florida since 1978. Doran Mfg is a leader in Shirt Packaging Industry. Doran Mfg supplies both Large & Custom Shirtmakers, Dry Clean Suppliers, Dry Cleaners and all the major uniform makers. They Ship Worldwide.... Doran Mfg is the proud manufacturer of National Flexway Collar Stays and Supports and Magnolia Paper Products.

  • Collar Stays Manufacture
  • Collar Bands Manufacturer
  • Shirt Butterflies Manufacturer

If you are a manufacturer of shirt packaging supplies such as collar stays, shirt butterflies, collar bands, jet clips, etc., you may want to check the following sections to find possible buyers for your products: Shirt Factories, Shirt Factories Pg. 2, Shirt Factories Pg. 3, Shirt Factories Pg. 4, Shirt Factories Pg. 5, Shirt Factories Pg. 6, Dress Shirt Factories, Men's Dress Shirt Wholesalers, Men's Shirt Wholesalers, and Women's Shirt Wholesalers.

Do you know which shirts typically need the most shirt packaging materials?  In my opinion, it is the dress shirts and blouses that require the most shirt packing components.

Learn more about women's shirts, men's shirts, and children's shirts in our clothing guide section.

Apparel Search Fashion Industry b2b Directory for the clothing industry

Shirt butterflies helps support the shirt color for packing of shirts.  Their are many different types of shirt butterfly.  Each helps with shirt packing in a different way.  For example, the Bubble Butterfly helps to lend additional support and lift to the collar and the Elongated Butterfly helps to strengthen the collar, reducing chances of any damage during transportation.  Consult with the shirt butterfly suppliers for more details regarding which item is best for your shirt packing needs.

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