Spandex fiber Definition : Definitions for the Clothing & fabric Industry

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or elastane is a synthetic fiber known for its exceptional elasticity (stretchability). It is stronger and more durable than rubber, its major plant competitor. It was invented in 1959, and when first introduced it revolutionized many areas of the clothing industry.

Spandex is the preferred name in North America, while elastane is most often used elsewhere. A well-known trademark for spandex or elastane is Invista's brand name Lycra; another trademark (also Invista's) is Elaspan.

Spandex fiber characteristics

  • can be stretched over 500% without breaking
  • able to be stretched repetitively and still recover original length
  • lightweight
  • abrasion resistant
    1. poor strength, but stronger and more durable than rubber
    2. soft, smooth, and supple
    3. resistant to body oils, perspiration, lotions, and detergents
    4. no static or pilling problems

    Major spandex fiber uses

    • Apparel and clothing articles where stretch is desired, generally for comfort and fit, such as:
    • Compression garments such as:
      • surgical hose
      • support hose
      • bicycle pants
      • foundation garments
    • Shaped garments such as bra cups


    The U.S. Federal Trade Commission definition for spandex fiber is "A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming substance is a long chain synthetic polymer comprised of at least 85 percent of a segmented polyurethane."

    First U.S. commercial spandex fiber production: 1959, DuPont Company.

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Current U.S. spandex fiber producers: Invista; Bayer Corporation

External links

fiber Definition

fabric Definition

Spandex fetishism

The above article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( 11/10/04

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