Rothtec Corp: Rothtec
Inc. is the largest screen engraving company in the USA. They engrave for
all markets in the textile industry. They also offer a full service design
studio in NYC. They supply screens domestically
and globally. They also provide file separations
off shore. They print fabric ink jets for all
areas of the textile industry. These are
being used for samples without screens. fabric
ink jets can be made into garments, home furnishing.
They have locations in New Bedford,
MA Charlotte, NC Mexico Carson, CA NYC (full service design studio and fabric
ink jet printing) Address: 3500 woodpark
blvd. suite G Charlotte, North Carolina 28206 USA Phone: 704-577-3728 or
704-596-6727 Fax: 704-596-0136 Corporate Office Phone
# 508-995-4601 fax 508-995-1261Email:
Contact: Julie K. Crowder Sales Representative
LVE Screen Engraving &
Digital Printing: Lebanon Valley Engraving started operating in 1974
on the premise that hard work, innovation and excellent service would
provide the industry not only with a great screen product, but to serve
as a resource to the industry as well. Their first customers were within
the textile printing industry and from that starting point they have
gradually expanded their product line to include screens for the narrow
web printing industry. Whatever your screen application may be,
Lebanon Valley Engraving has a product that will provide you with the
best performance available.
SPG Prints: Laser Engraving technology Over the last 30 years,
SPGPrints has developed and delivered over 400 Direct Laser Engraving
machines in the global textile printing market. Direct Laser Engraving
is a single step dry process – simply engrave your coated screen with
your desired design and print.
TKG International LLC: TKG
International is recognized as one of the foremost rotary screen
engravers in the United States. TKG's versatility, using an integrated
system approach to the engraving process, assures top quality screens
produced on time and on budget. TKG offers engraving services with
special emphasis on screens and color separations for (analog rotary
screen printing, apparel, home furnishings, automotive, wallpaper, flag
industry, electronics, digital printing and specialty coatings). From
intricate, finely-detailed images to breathtaking bold designs to highly
accurate CAD generated specialty diagrams and conductive materials, the
company utilizes the skill and craftsmanship of CAD artist (most with
more that 30 years of experience) that produce the ultimate qualities of
digital technology. TKG is equipped with state of the art CAD systems,
digital scanners and laser engraving machines. Believing that some
designs require fine artistic touches, TKG professionals assess each
project carefully to determine the best, most efficient method of
production. TKG has long believed that a good engraving company is
comprised of skilled, talented artists who cannot be replaced by
technology. Dedicated to engraving your designs using the best method
possible, TKG takes pride in producing aesthetically-pleasing prints
that feature smooth tones, accurate colors and fine detail.
Address 2631 Weaver Road, Macon, Georgia 31217 Phone 478.738.9700
E-mail Contact name - Ed Emory
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